The headline will become clear after we skip through the results…
If you want to compare my last 2 month results are here…
The main topics from that month were
- Less time therefore less content (whinging)
- Lack of content strategy (whining)
- Direct linking works! (happy)
- Lack of work doesn’t affect business (delighted)
Unfortunately I still hadn’t developed the clarity to enable me to MAKE TIME for adding good content (only added 4 filler posts in two months this time – not good).
Upside… The business seems to be growing without me…
Google traffic volumes up – visitor engagement down (I think this is because I didn’t feel any of the new content warranted sharing with the WA community – who are awesome for making a sites engagement look good (tip!))
The sessions or visitors have gone up by just over 200.
I can only assume this is because the site is now over 6 months old and is through the Google ‘sandbox’ stage and gaining a little trust from the big G.
This is also very low traffic for a 6 month old WA based site (more on this later)
Money Stuff
Wealthy Affiliate Stats
Continued improvement in WA revenue.
Improvement here as well
Bing ad spend of £120 Estimated Sales (the reporting periods don’t match exactly) $650.50
Estimation of monthly profit £308.68 or $468.40
Does this mean if I stay away from the business long enough I’ll become a millionaire?
Here’s hoping!
- Paying for traffic (Bing PPC) can be profitable
- Good content aimed at getting search engine visitors takes time if your in a competitive niche (like make money)
- This business can run profitably with very little supervision
Personally I’m stoked to see this business grow without me. I want to run this in my retirement but not spend hours in front of the PC (think Tim Ferris “The Four Hour Work Week).
Moving forward
Just like Kyle say’s product name orientated content is the way to go. Much easier to rank in search engines, with visitors motivated to take action.
Tip – Produce 3 – 7 quality reviews consistently per week with a solid niche focus and anyone can profit (understatement). Show any sort of flair for it and your results could be like some of the folks I’ve enjoyed writing about on my success page.
To put this in perspective I’ve managed 6 reviews in 6 Months!…. and still made money.
The obvious next stage for me which cannot possibly fail would be to write lots of reviews warning people about all the horrible products being released in the make money niche whilst showing them a better way. The search engine traffic would really grow fast and I can also send paid traffic in as well.
However I also want to learn how to use email effectively in marketing. This is a tool that can really help automate any business.
What I do know is I WILL MAKE TIME to be more productive…
Please feel free to critique or ask questions below.
Really Awesome Richard!!!
You are doing great and I am pretty sure if you keep putting the same amount of effort into your website you will become a millionaire soon enough. But you must note that if you stop doing any post, most likely your rankings in the search engine will decrease and soon enough your traffic may be gone too. Just a thought!
Keep up the good work and I look forward to see your continual updates on your progress.
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
Cheers Jack,
Yes; I agree with your advice, and don’t intend to stop adding content. Maybe just focus a little better and bake the traffic strategy a hybrid of SEO as well as paid traffic for some of the content.