There are many and varied paths to success.
This is evident when you take a look at success stories from the Wealthy Affiliate Community.
This page is going to showcase some of these.
I hope they both inspire, and illustrate, how with a little personal dedication and the right advice anyone can change their life.
Disclaimer: All these people have worked hard and helped others, but everyone is different and results will vary.
As we look at each, we’ll look at their approach and how they chose to monetize their site(s).
We’ll use Wikipedia for some of the definitions…
Google Adsense “ is a program run by Google that allows publishers in the Google Network of content sites to serve automatic text, image, video, or interactive media advertisements, that are targeted to site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google, and they can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis”. Read more…
Affiliate Marketing “ is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts”. Read more…
Cost Per Action or CPA “sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA; also Cost Per Conversion is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action – for example, an impression, click, form submit (e.g., contact request, newsletter sign up, registration etc.), double opt-in or sale”. Read more…
In no particular order…
Eddy Salomon
First off we have Eddy Salomon who is a longtime member of WA and who demonstrates four ways of earning money from his Wealthy Affiliate training.
Eddy’s first site helps and advises people about making money online.
He helps folks avoid the scams and promotes products and services that he feels provide value. The site is monetised through Google Adsense, CPA lead generation, and Affiliate Marketing promoting WA amongst others.

The second site promotes the business Eddy set up after learning WA’s approach to website building and site promotion. A full service marketing agency providing marketing advice and search engine optimization services to local business’s in New York.
Extracts from Eddy’s story…
Well what can I say? I’m very blessed in that I’m one of the few people that is job free by choice. lol I’ve been in the make money industry since the early 90s. But was never able to make a full time living with it until about 2008…
Furthermore I’ve taken the SEO and WordPress website creation skills you’ll learn here on WA to start my own offline digital marketing agency: I’ve literally earned thousands of dollars to design websites for small businesses and promote them. So you can even use what you learn here at WA for businesses outside of affiliate marketing.
No get rich BS here. Rather hard work and the right advice… Read more about Eddy here…
Wendy Jane’s Success Story
Wendy Jane (right in the picture) joined WA after graduating college and finding that the doors to secure employment didn’t just open (tough times for grads currently).
So a little research later and a few false starts Wendy found WA…
Now no looking back for Wendy.
However Wendy has only been doing this since Jan 2013 and achieved 1600% growth in profits her first year. This doesn’t completely do Wendy’s achievement justice as health problems slowed her down significantly.
Wendy has two main websites…
- A ‘Tall Girls Fashion Blog’ (Her first WA website build)
Wendy’s tall girl fashion blog helps tall girls find the best clothes for their body type, and is monetised using Google Adsense and Affiliate links to niche retail outlets, though I didn’t see any the Amazon Associate Affiliate program could also work well with this site idea. Great Information and a natural helpful style.
Site 2 is Wendy’s story of turning the post college blues into success. This site promotes Wealthy Affiliate free membership.
Extracts from Wendy’s story…
I joined WA in late January, stepped outside my comfort zone and started my own online business. I have learned SO much (and of course still continue to learn each and every day!) from the training and community here. I cannot thank everyone enough, including Kyle and Carson. They must be superhero geniuses.
From the moment I made my first sale, I knew this was serious business and I never gave up. I may have taken the occasional hiatus, but the part that matters is I always came back to my business.
I did not give up.
What a fantastic achievement…
Looking for forward to 2014’s results! Read Wendy’s full story here…
James Story
I like James story because it illustrates that for many people it’s not all about the money.
Yes, James is making money and growing his income but by his own admission he’s put more time into helping others than himself.
Time that could be spent building his business.
Site 1 is a really attractive family games review site which is monetised through Google Adsense, and Game retail affiliate links (including Amazon affiliate links).
Site 2 is not dissimilar to this site, as James blogs about his journey through the land of online entrepreneurship. This site is also monetised with WA membership program, other services that James uses (email auto-responder service), and also Google Adsense.
Extracts from James story…
When I found WA I had that immediate gut feeling that I had found what I was looking for. I was bouncing off the walls with excitement as I spent my first week going through the training on the free trial. By day 6 I was even more excited and knew in my heart that it was the right place for me, so I popped for the premium membership…
As I progressed through the training and engaged myself in the community, I found that I was building on my beliefs of being positive…
My focus on the money side became less and less. I put all of my efforts towards building solid foundations that I would be able to monetize more at a later point…
Also, the more that I learn here the more brighter my future becomes. Soon I will be officially starting my Web Design services for local businesses in my area. I have already been in talks with a few perspective clients…
Click here to find out how things are looking for James…
Ryan McCraken
Ryan is a fantastic example of somebody who’s simply done the training (twice as he explains later!), and then taken massive action.
An ordinary guy who started his first Wealthy Affiliate website part-time.
He went through doubts, and concerns in the first months, and asked Kyle…
Kyle told him he was doing everything right just to continue producing content, content, content.
I’ll uncover how Ryan’s doing further down.
But for now let’s look at Kyle’s websites and monitization strategies.
- Niche tablet review site (In fairness to Ryan I’m not showing the url as people have been simply copying it exactly)
Website 2 is currently a small site (not sure if Ryan is planning to add more content) dedicated to telling his Internet Marketing story and promoting WA and other products and services he uses. Though the site is small the content is in my opinion very natural and compelling.
Ryan like many other WA members shares a lot of what is working for him within the WA community.
His first site focuses on a specific section of the Tablet PC market.
A real niche within a niche.
Within the site Ryan reviews products and helps visitors by answering their questions.
The site is monitized through Amazon Associate links.
Is this not an inspiring and simple idea that you could copy (the idea not Ryan’s site)?
Let’s hear from Ryan…
I had zero knowledge of the internet when I started at WA. I didn’t know what a search engine, serp, keyword, SEO, SMO, or any other term associated with IM meant. These tutorials inside WA will give you all the knowledge you need to start a career online.
When I started I had a lot of doubts and after month one, two, and three I had barely made a few cents and a lot of friends thought I was wasting my time and living in a dream world…
At the end of October I really thought there was no way I could quadruple the traffic growth 5 months in a row but guess what I was wrong.
This represents the traffic growth from Month 4 to Month 5!
And leads to…
Click the link below to read about Ryan’s 10 steps to financial independence…
A member for just over 4 years Nathaniell is another inspiring story.
Like most of us Nate came to WA looking for honest advice that would set him on the right path to success. He found it and could give up his job after just two years. Nathaniell say’s it better though…
The most interesting bit of information that you should get from this post today is that both The Online Entrepreneur Certification and Bootcamp are equally good.
From 2010 to 2013 I did the regular courses at WA and was not an affiliate of WA. I was able to build a full time income from this course alone. In 2013 I joined Bootcamp and started promoting WA to the great folks out there looking for a legitimate way to earn income online.
The earning potential of being a WA affiliate was equally good, so choose the course that fits you best, because you can succeed with either one.
I think because so many of the successful WA members promote WA as affiliates (why wouldn’t they?) sometimes the rest of us think that’s the best way to make money.
It’s encouraging to see that Nate made his job quitting money through simply following the Online Entrepreneur training and building niche affiliate sites.
It’s also motivating to see how fast Nate has built his WA promoting site
His business model is also very simple to follow. Simple but not easy look below to see how hard Nate works…

What Nate has created is a very lovely blog that tells his story with a few core pages of content that are very prominently promoted using lovely text images (see right for example).
These pages all contain really helpful information without the need to ‘push’ WA.
The 667 (wow that’s a lot of work) posts are all really helpful fair reviews of products and services that his target audience are interested in.
This is what is bringing Nate over 1000 visitors per day.
The review strategy is a proven and reliable method for making money online and Nate’s site is the perfect example.
This is exactly the method that Kyle teaches in the WA Bootcamp training.
Personally I’ve copied Nate’s compelling sidebar links, and am trying to trim my core content down to be more helpful for visitors.
Initial results also look very good so… big thanks from me Nathaniell.
Could you do this?
Why not.
By the end of the training you’ll have a nice website, then 2 review posts per day for financial freedom!
Nathaniell’s other site…
Another very visually appealing site (yes I like beer too).
This site came before Nate’s WA promoting site, and demonstrates the proven strategy of website + helpful interesting content = happy visitors and PROFIT…
Why don’t you turn an interest / hobby into something more?
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