Four Percent Challenge Results

Four Percent Challenge RESULTS

Pete Kachev Shares His Results

Very interesting…

Pete is promoting the Four Percent Success Challenge…

He posted the information below on the Four Percent Facebook Group (a great source of info for those interested in Four Percent stuff).

Vick has started reviewing members websites, landing pages and experience so far.

It’s really helpful as well. Seeing other peoples work and hearing the experts critique and advice.

With Pete vick conducted a video interview (screenshot below – Four Percent Success Challenge Session 15)

So the idea here is for Vick to interview people so that we can all learn from their experience. 

In case you’re worried about what Pete gets from sharing his best stuff. The branding experience should accelerate Pete’s own business growth.

Pete shares that since starting working with Vick his main focus has been on developing himself. The self development work that Vick insists we all prioritise.

As Pete put it this has enabled him to have a different perspective and though much of what he does is the same he now does it better.

He now puts his emphasis on helping people… “who know you could make money by helping people and having fun” as Pete puts it.

A few interesting points…

Pete’s main traffic source is free SEO gained through doing YouTube Videos which he now links (via the description box links to his Clickfunnels lead generation funnel). He’s in the process of adding his own blog into this process to improve his SEO performance still further.

Pete’s also adding paid traffic sources as he’s progressing through Internet Traffic Mastery.

The Multiple Streams of Income aspect of the Four Percent Challenge is another key reason for success.

Pete shared his longer term stats for the main MSI’s which he’s earned from the original version of the Four Percent…

Average earnings from each Clickfunnels trial Pete refers is $133Clickmagick just over $30 per free trialConvertKit & GetResponse $35 per free trial membership referred.

The HEADLINE figure is a total $2 Earnings Per Click (EPC) from all traffic sent into the Four Percent Challenge Funnel!

As Vick points out these figures will also increase as the Four Percent grows in terms of sector focus (currently only concentrating on Affiliate Marketers) and product offerings.

If you’d like to check out my review of the Four Percent Challenge click here

If you’d like to see my Four Percent Case Study click here

or if you’d like to take the Four Percent Challenge yourself click here


2 thoughts on “Four Percent Challenge Results”

  1. why do i get the feeling that alot of this B.S… is just unattainable for the beginning marketer. It is a real pain in the ass for the beginning level marketer to get off the ground. I guess i will have to do what a lot of the other hustlers have done…. Go find some piece of shit product on Clickbank….throw up a misleading capture page and post the shit out of my affiliate link in facebook groups until my page gets shut down, then go to youtube and twitter and do the same damn thing until i get shut down there and… oh!!….i forgot about INSTAGRAM!!! and then totally reinvent myself under an assumed name and start the whole process again on all 3 platforms… SOUNDS LIKE ONE HELL of a strategy to get rich…. But i suppose when you have a couple of hundred grand just sitting in your paypal account you really don’t give a shit how you got it Huh?????…. I sure as hell wouldn’t so might as well get started TODAY!!!……. yee hah….i will be sitting on a beach, sucking on some suds in NO TIME!!!


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