Tuesday 12th August – 1st Month Anniversary Of My WA Challenge
Firstly I’ve decided to record my results as a daily journal entry, but have also added a results sub category to WordPress.
So in future if somebody only wants to see the results they can easily find them all listed.
I guess I should also consider a standard format to the results.
Along the lines of…
- Earnings
- Traffic
- Performance against documented objectives
- How Am I Helping
- Other
I may change this over time, but I think this is OK for now (Please ask any questions or feel free to suggest criteria in the comments below – to make this experiment better I need your help!)
So here we go…
Wealthy Affiliate Challenge – Results Month 1
1. Earnings (WA commissions, Amazon (have 1 link), Adsense (not implemented) Nil
2. Traffic
All the training say’s to NOT get concerned about the stats until you have some meaningful traffic volume.
The above is NOT meaningful volume.
At this early stage I was also interested to see if my content was being indexed by Google (not concerned with ranking yet either).
Just below the tab options at the top of the page you can see the text “About 42 results”.
Which I pleased about as this means Google is indexing my stuff.
3. Performance against set objectives. I stated my 30 day objectives on my home page.
These boiled down to having completed 20 posts / pages. I have actually completed 22 posts and 8 pages. So I beat my objective here.
The second objective was to have set up a contents syndication network for my content.
Yes, I’m not even sure that I know exactly what I mean by content syndication network 😳
I’m going to score me a big fat FAIL on this objective. I have set up sharing on the main social sites (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus), and I am creating content for YouTube (2 Videos to date).
My definition of syndication is posting my content from this site coupled with a unique introduction onto a number of web 2.0 properties such as Tumblr, Squidoo, WordPress.org etc. For the dual purpose of link building and driving visitors back to this site.
I’ll come back to my reasons on this later….
4. How am I helping people?
I’ve added this topic because through doing research on successful people online, It’s obvious that if you can help people your own success is positively affected.
How do you help others when you are not an expert with all the answers?
This is not easy. In my case I hope that I can help by sharing my experiences, but possibly cannot do much more than simply encourage others until I develop my skills.
I wanted to add this measure so that I continuously think about ways I can help more (ideas and suggestions in the comments below would be gratefully received!)
5. Other
In terms of the WA training I’ve really only completed up to midway through Phase 3 of the WA Bootcamp training. Personally I like to refer back to the training as I need it.
The more I go back to the training the more I seem to gain from it.
I also want to register how much I’ve enjoyed both recording my experience in a journal format, and the encouragement and interaction with fellow members of Wealthy Affiliate. Without wishing to sound soppy I do believe the whole experience is improving me as a person.
I’m even more convinced that success from this site is only a matter of time… there is no IF!
I feel my writing ability is also improving with practice, and am enjoying trying to develop skills to make my work more compelling by adding more emotional elements than I would not have previously.
Wealthy Affiliate Challenge – Next 30 Days Goals
- Implement that mysterious content syndication network (see note below)
- Complete WA Bootcamp training (not including the Pay Per Click training)
- Post 5 keyword target pieces of content (written and or video – see note below)
- Post 1 discussion item within the Wealthy Affiliate Community
Content Syndication Network I’ve also referred to this as my web 2.0 profile network. The general idea is I add a few free web 2.0 properties where I can share high quality content around the broad make money online niche. Only about 30% of the content will be my content. This means I’ll be sharing other people’s stuff and linking back to the original. Where I use my stuff I’ll link back to my site. The intention is these sites won’t look self promotional, and will provide great content.
I hadn’t implemented this yet, as I wanted to get a good foundation of content on my site first.
I’m also wary about diverting any effort from my own content creation within the first 90 days.
Post 5 keyword targeted pieces of content – Up till now I haven’t created any content around specific keywords, I’ve simply created content that I felt should be on this type of site.

I should now try and integrate content that has a more traffic grabbing intent.
I need your help to make this site better… any questions or info you think is missing please fire away in the comments below.
Objective today was to complete this results report.
Time taken about 3 hours.
Hi Richard! –
Congradulations for Month one!
I will watch with interest!
** Have A Great Productive Day! **
“A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step” – confucius
Thanks Dave for your comment and encouragement.
It means a lot.
Hey Richard!
I’ve read once that “what gets measured, gets managed”.
If that is the case then I think you will reach to great success!
This is like the job everyone know they should do but most don’t bother, and it seems you are a perfect sample of how to set your goals and follow them up like you should.
Thanks Tommy,
I figure if I put it out there for all to see, It’ll put me under the pressure I need.
Don’t want to publicly fail.
The community support and encouragement is a great source of motivation, I have never before seen personally how much that elevates good training into something extra.
You’re doing great Richard! Stay the course!
Hi Richard,
You have accomplished a great deal in your first month!
And your site has a great deal of quality content!
I look forward to seeing your site continue to develop!
Christa 🙂
Thanks Christa,
Recording all the tasks and outcomes has been most rewarding. It also highlights some of the issues (time, traffic, content). Month 3 will no doubt see me make some changes to hopefully better address some of these issues.
Thanks so much for your support.