Why Some People Take Action

Why Some People Take ActionYou need to know this so you can engineer your own success

Develop your really POWERFUL WHY…

A DAILY RITUAL (my daily action plan) that takes you towards that why

And you’ll soon have the MOMENTUM needed to breakthrough.

Tony’s identified the problem is most people experience a self fulfilling spiral of failure because without certainty of getting a result we’re never going to take massive action – right?

So we take a half hearted action get poor results which confirms our assumption that things won’t work so we try again with even less vigor than first time and the downward spiral is started.

The challenge is how to develop certainty where none exists?

The answer?


Visualize the RESULTS you want constantly until you develop the certainty required to drive the massive action needed.

Visualization is a technique for overcoming our own self limiting beliefs. Another great training for another technique for breaking through our beliefs and conditioning is covered in this excellent training here >>>

And if you’re an affiliate marketer would you like to start out boosted through the confidence of promoting an ‘Ultimate’ level program >>>

What do you think about mindset?

Overrated or really over 80% of the battle?

Should Frank go back to this hair style?

Please let me know in the comments below…

3 thoughts on “Why Some People Take Action”

  1. Thanks for making this material available. I am something of mindset student having worked with Arbinger Institute on the inward outward mindset conundrum.

    How we set our minds (hence mindset) has far more influence over the outcomes we wish for or expect than the physical environment or physical constraints.

    I recommend that your readers explore the power and value of the outward mindset just Google Arbinger Institute it is both fascinating and liberating.

    Thanks again for sharing.


  2. Hi, Richard,

    It’s all about your mindset. As you said, when you want to accomplish something and you fail, you don’t try as hard the next time. You might not even give it a try again.

    In my case, it’s been a long way. When people asked me what I wanted to do in life, I didn’t know what to answer them. I just knew that I didn’t want a traditional 9-5 job that would limit my life. I wanted something different, something that would allow me to earn money from home or on the go and that’s when I ran into affiliate marketing.

    Now I can visualize myself as a marketer. I’ve learned a ton, but I still need to learn more. I’ve learned a lot about blogging and technical stuff I never thought I’d ever need.

    So, answering your question, no, the mindset is not overrated. Thanks for sharing. Good stuff.


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