Wealth Building Blueprint Review

WEALTH Building BlueprintReview

The BEST Advice 100% FREE!

Wealth Building Blueprint is a FREE video training course broughtto you by the Four Percent Group.

It’s not about how to MAKE money it’s about how to manage your money so that you can build your business effectively and eventually let your money work for you (done right).

I wish my accountant had taught me this! …maybe he did but I was too STUPID to listen lol.

Do yourself a massive favor and watch this now…

Review Of Vick Strizheus  Free Wealth Building Blueprint  training

What’s In Wealth Building Blueprint

Wealth Building Blueprint is video based training delivered by Vick Strizheus founder of Four Percent Group.

It consists of an intro video followed by 8 training modules (all video).

Shot in Vick’s Four Percent studio it’s a whiteboard based training where Vick explains his financial set up and the reasoning behind why he manages the way he does…

Vick started off with nothing and has had dramatic success. This has ‘shaped’ his financial management strategy…

…read Vick has made a lot of mistakes we won’t have to.

As dull as this  subject may sound Vick makes it educational, entertaining and somehow inspirational…

He’s inspired me to change my whole system, which though easy to do feels weirdly good.

I now feel in control, more secure and confident of my business growth.

To access the training sign-in or get a free account by CLICKING HERE.

This’ll take you to a page that looks like…

Vick suggesting how people start successfully online

Clicking the ‘Join’ tab shown on the above image far right will open a pop-up screen shown right where you add your name and email details.

You’ve now got yourself free membership of The Four Percent Group which is marketplace designed especially to serve business owners and entrepreneurs.

So as well as free access to the Wealth Building Blueprint you’ll also have free access to a growing number of excellent training materials (many free) and a fantastic entertainment series (all free).

After sign up you’ll gain access to the Four Percent Back Office where you can access all the free material.

See the image below which shows the Four Percent Back office…

Vick suggesting how people start successfully online

Click the ‘Programs’ tab in the left Navigation bar to open a dropdown menu of all the currant training categories.

Click on ‘Money & Finance’ to be taken to…

Vick suggesting how people start successfully online

Clicking on the training of your choice will access the training itself.

Both of the training modules pictured are freely available. 

Taxes & Business Structures is delivered by online specialist CPA Jack Cohen.

Though for the purpose of this post click on Wealth Building Blueprint to be taken to the training…

Vick suggesting how people start successfully online

All the modules can be accessed from here.

Once accessed Vick’s style of delivery is very engaging.

Mixing straight talking into the camera with experience stories (good and bad) and detailed explanations being shown in a classroom style using the whiteboard as shown to the right.

Not the sesxiest of topics granted, but I believe this training will be of huge value to anybody setting up an online business…

Enjoy 😉

Vick suggesting how people start successfully online


From An Affiliates Perspective

As an affiliate marketer I’m always looking for companies who want to delight both prospects and customers.

Four Percent does that.

People don’t have to buy anything from Four Percent to have a great experience.

I want to promote companies like this.

That I use and love…

That I’d recommend to my mum.

Four Percent Group for me are raising the bar in terms of prospect, customer, author, and partner experience.

It’s great for the industry.

So you may also want to check out Wealth Building Blueprint from a promotional partners point of view…

Remember Four Percent offers other great free training programs as well as lot’s of Free Video Training that affiliate partners can leverage.

In Conclusion:  If like me your an affiliate marketer growing your online business I seriously advise watching and implementing Vick’s suggestions (no costs associated). Being in control is a nice feeling.

Any questions?

Please fire away in the comments below.

16 thoughts on “Wealth Building Blueprint Review”

  1. Great post and good info!

    For somebody that is growing his online business, these kind of videos are a must to watch.

    I actually watched this a few months ago when I was building my first site, and struggling with it.

    I have to say that it helped me very much, and I’m confident it will help other people as well!

    Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Hi 

    When setting up a business there are quite a lot of small intricate details to work out. The wealth building blueprint seems like a very good way of setting up good business practice. The fact that it is all on video that can be accessed anytime would be very effective in managing your business step by step.

    Would you advise this for a complete new beginner? 

    Great informative article, thank you

    • Hi Ronan,

      Absolutely recommend this for a beginner.

      Why not get a glimpse of the problems and solutions that lie ahead.

      The smart ones (not me btw) will watch and set up right from the get go the others will correct later (me).

  3. There has been much hype surrounding Vick Strizheus over the last few years, but I must admit he knows how to make video’s that people want to watch and engage in. 

    The Wealth Building Blueprint is no different, and very helpful advice is given away by Vick to help entrepreneurs in all types of business.

    I think the financial advice is the best part, as he shows how to allocate your money wisely back into your business.

    Do you know if there are any ulterior motives for him making these free video’s, other than to obtain your email address?

    • Hi Michel, It’s known as ‘Value Led Marketing’. Vick creates a lot of free content (courses, YouTube training, interviews with well known entrepreneurs), trying to really help people. It filters out the people that don’t resonate with him, and leaves him a pool of ‘fans’ that he can help better with his premium material.

      Vick’s not the only one doing it Frank Kern does a great job at it, Russell Brunson, Andre Chaperon and the list goes on.

      It’s a try before you buy kind of a deal …the trick being the free content really does need to help people.

  4. Very informative review. This seems like a system with very useful information for building a business online. As someone starting out, I think this will be helpful to me. I have not completely watched the videos but planning to do so as soon as possible. 

    Is this absolutely free with no hidden costs?

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Yep, 100% free no hidden costs. This is about how to set up your finances to support a growing business and avoid the expensive mistakes that most people make through not managing their money properly (like I did lol).

  5. I always thought that 4 percent is some kind of membership program that includes everything. It appears that they sell single programs and each marketing topics could range between a couple of hundreds to a few thousand dollars. Sounds pretty expensive to me. 

    If I am a beginner, which program would you suggest that I start with first? Do they offer a bundle package with discounts? 

    • Hi Cathy, Four Percent has changed a lot over the last 6 months. Really picking up it’s focus to serve the entrepreneur space. Yes, it is a membership but it’s free to join and most of the programs are free as well. It’s a value led model meaning if you like the free stuff you can then go premium.

      If your a would-be affiliate marketer the premium Four Percent Success Challenge is the way to go. It’s $49 /mo or $495 lifetime with a 30 day money back guarantee.

      But why not test out the FREE Wealth Building Blueprint to 1. grab yourself some really great advice and 2. see if you resonate with the coaching style…

  6. I will definitely have to check this out im new to affiliated marketing so i am always looking for more learning. The fact that it is free training to start with has me highly intrigued! 

    as a newbie to the game do you think this is beneficial to me right now? Or should i wait before overwhelming myself?

    • Hi Denton, this training is about how to manage the money you earn from your online work. If you’re new and not yet earning maybe it’s too soon. But If you have the time it’s worth checking out as it could save a whole load of pain further down the road.

      Richard 🙂

  7. Indeed it is a truth that the four percent group are really raising the bar and setting the pace. Personally, I like the way that all the tips here are great. The wealth building blueprint is simply awesome  and the fact that it is channeled towards helping us to manage our wealth is a big thumbs up to ms. Thanks so much for sharing this here. Thanks

    • Thanks Rodarrick 🙂

      Changing my banking practices inline with Vick’s suggestions has helped me, and I believe can help others.

  8. Hi Richard,

    Wealth Building Blueprint from Four Percent Group comes at the right time. I need to learn how to manage money and be more familiar with this process.  

    Just little question Richard, how this Wealth Building Blueprint helps you with your affiliate marketing? any insights for the marketers? Many times, I went cross Vick’s training in youtube and I said it is irrelevant until today while I found your post within Google search results.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hi Safia 🙂

      Personally I’ve implemented Vicks banking set up because it allows me to be better organized, and not get behind on things like tax (gulp).


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