Cliqly Profit Strategy


Can People REALLY Get PaidTo Build Their Email List?

UPDATE Sept 2023: It’s now possible to get a 50% off Coupon code. Clearly if this is available use this rather than the 40% quoted in this strategy. The lower your buying cost the higher your profits – right?

Having been a member of Cliqly since end Feb 22 I’ve tested various strategies, and made many mistakes. This is aimed at helping people build their Cliqly business PROFITABLY.

You HAVE to buy Cliqly Credits before you will reach the $300 threshold to get paid and reclaim your prior investments with a PROFIT (if you did it right).

To PROFIT in Cliqly you must earn more in $0.10 clicks than you spend buying Cliqly credit packages – right?

The purpose of the Cliqly Free Trial is to let people see the system for themselves at zero cost, so that they can then decide if they want to pay money to upgrade and run Cliqly as a business …for PROFIT – right?

Put simply Cliqly has 3 parts…

  • List Building – buy Cliqly List Building Credits – mail the master list – build your own unique list
  • Send mail to your list – buy Cliqly Pro Credits – mail your list…
  • Earn money – earn 10c per click and make a PROFIT (recover list building cost, Cliqly Pro sending cost with the extra being profit).

The more emails you send in Cliqly Pro the more REVENUE you will earn. Note I said revenue not profit.

There are two different strategies for growing a Cliqly Business.

  1. Profit fast by list building slower and maximizing sending in Cliqly Pro.
  2. Aggressive list building which requires upfront investment with the aim of recovering list building costs later.

To protect your email list over the long term Cliqly uses a Tier structure to limit how many emails people can send…

If you want to send a lot of emails daily in Cliqly Pro you can see above that you need to build a large email list.

But let’s start with a strategy that will get you into profit faster…

This is for people considering taking the Cliqly Free Trial and those that may be further along but not sure if they should take the $97 Upgrade and what other options may follow.

A Fast Easy Cliqly Profit Strategy…

Before we start it’s CRITICAL that you’re aware of these offers…

The 40% off Coupon Code:

The FREE 1 MILLION Cliqly Pro Credits for any Credit order:

These two offers combined are going to make you PROFIT, Guaranteed.

Here’s the proof…

Imagine this scenario; you’re considering taking the free trial, or are taking the free trial but are wondering what happens when your free credits run out?What’s this going to cost me?When will I reach the $300 payment threshold?Will this be profitable for me?

Here’s how it plays out…

Week 1 Free Trial – Do what the training tells you.Send 200,000 Cliqly List Building emails, and 500,000 Cliqly Pro emails and earn ‘click’ commissions  

At the end of the free trial if you’re not feeling it – walk away – nothing lost – right?

Week 2 Pay $97 to Upgrade – Do what you did in week 1.Send 200,000 Cliqly List Building emails, and 500,000 Cliqly Pro emails and earn ‘click’ commissions

Week 3 Buy the basic List Building Package for $58.20 using the 40% off coupon (you automatically get 1 Million Cliqly Pro Credits Free). 

It takes you to this page…

Pick the 100,000 Mailing Credits for $97 it will automatically be doubled to 200,000.

The check out page looks like…

To be clear buying the $97 100,000 Cliqly List Building Package will actually get you…

  • 200,000 Cliqly List Building Credits 
  • 1 Million Cliqly Pro Credits

For a total cost (don’t forget the Coupon Code) of $58.20

Then do the work, noticing you can now send more emails in Cliqly Pro, because you have more credits…Send 200,000 Cliqly List Building emails, and 700,000 Cliqly Pro emails and earn ‘click’ commissions

Week 4 repeat week 3 – buying the basic list building package with the 40% off again.Send 200,000 Cliqly List Building emails, and 700,000 Cliqly Pro emails and earn ‘click’ commissions

By Sunday of week 4 you should have reached the $300 commission threshold – meaning you will get paid next Friday (the Friday of week 5)

Week 5 repeat week 3Receive your commission payment – you are now in PROFIT 🙂

You can carry on repeating this as long as you want – meeting the payment threshold every 4 weeks getting paid the following week – and making a profit.

By sending 200,000 Cliqly List Building emails every week you’ve been building your list by an approximate 1700+ new subscribers each week.

You can also consider other strategies that may move you towards your goals faster – you have options.

The Math

The following is based on what I believe to be very reasonable average earning estimates of 

  • $1.32 for every 10,000 emails sent in Cliqly Pro
  • $0.14 for every 10,000 emails sent in Cliqly List Building

Please understand these are estimates (based on my numbers this week actually) and your results could be better or worse.

If you’ve already started the trial I would expect your results to be better. The point is to show you that it’s very realistic to expect to be in profit by week 4.

Week 1 – Take the free trial – send 200,000 Cliqly List Building – 500,000 Cliqly Pro – Earn $68.60

Week 2 – Upgrade pay $97 – send 200,000 Cliqly List Building – 500,000 Cliqly Pro – Earn $68.60

Week 3 – Buy Package $58.20 – send 200,000 Cliqly List Building – 700,000 Cliqly Pro – Earn $95.20

Week 4 Buy Package $58.20 – send 200,000 Cliqly List Building – 700,000 Cliqly Pro – Earn $95.20

Week 4 would see you reach the $300 payment threshold with an estimated $328.00 earned having spent a total of $213.40 an estimated PROFIT of $114.60 – (You get paid on the Friday of week 5).

You could then carry on Buying the $58.20 weekly package and building your list whilst earning an estimated $37 weekly profit.

Week 8 would see you reach the next payment threshold and a potential $262.60 PROFIT for the 8 weeks based on the average earning figures above.

Here’s what it looks like in a spreadsheet…

Take the Cliqly Free trial – It’s 100% free, test the process yourself. Get the lay of the land so to speak. Watch Bobby’s training video to understand how this business works – it’s important.

At the end of the free trial you’ll be able to judge if this business is for you or not.

If not, that’s fine it cost you nothing other than a little time to evaluate it – right?

After paying the $97 to upgrade in Cliqly You open up ALL the current credit packages 

This is really important, because now you can model different strategies. Pick a way forward that suits your situation, goals, and ambitions.

Provided you know your own numbers.

You MUST use the Coupons to reduce the buying costs.

We’ve already covered a low cost way of building your Cliqly business profitably.

But what if you want to move faster?

Currently This Is The Best Cliqly Credit Package to Buy…


Maybe after you’ve been paid out a couple of times by Cliqly. You’re not as skeptical, willing to spend a little more on credits.

Though a little more in up front cost this package is fantastic – when you’re ready.

The Millions Flash Sale shown above will get you 4 Million Cliqly List Building Credits. 5 Million Cliqly Pro Credits (includes the free 1 million) for $877 less 40% (never forget the Coupon Code) brings the price down to $526.20

Knowing your average Cliqly Pro click earnings you can easily work out the package potential value. 

Against my average Cliqly Pro earnings for sending 10,000 emails the above package is worth $680 in clicks AND will add an approximate 36,000 (based on my average openers rate) new subscribers.

A very PROFITABLE way to build your email list – right?

Concerned Cliqly Doesn’t Pay Out On Time?

Here’s my back office and payments I’ve received so far (Cliqly pays out every Friday once people meet the $300 threshold).

So What Next?

From the above example you see that keeping Cliqly List Building spending down and maximizing sending in Cliqly Pro is the best way to profit from the 10c clicks.

You also have your own real data that you can use to estimate potential income, list building progress etc.

If you know your numbers read this post – you must know your numbers >>

Want to trial Cliqly for free >>

See my Cliqly results here >>

Want to know more about the Cliqly Affiliate / Referral Program >>

Return to Cliqly Review & Case Study

4 thoughts on “Cliqly Profit Strategy”

  1. in your experience, when is the best time to mail out the building list emails.. am or pm and how early in the am?
    just curious, i forgot to email my building list this morning but wondering if i should wait till a certain time of the day to email them… it is now like 1 in the afternoon.. i emailed my subscribers list last nite for today.. thank you

    • Hi Jeanie, In terms of Cliqly List Building I don’t mail Fridays and weekends – I noticed slightly worse performance. I’m currently mostly mailing on a Monday & Wednesday. In terms of times of day remember the majority of people on the list are from USA and Canada so I spread it across 6:00am to 19:00pm I’m not saying you shouldn’t mail outside of these times, it’s just what I’m doing.(I added a post here about my Cliqly List Building)

      Great question 🙂

      Hope this helps.

    • Hi Jeannie, As Bobby says Cliqly isn’t get rich quick, but for me it has become a very reliable source of additional income. So good for you in pushing forward, your consistent efforts will be rewarded.


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