Cliqly Affiliate Program My Experience

CLIQLY Affiliate ProgramMy Experience…

The Cliqly Affiliate Program is free for all paid Cliqly members. It’s not open to non Cliqly paying members.

Like the Cliqly Email Business, affiliate payments are paid through members free Conversion House Media accounts.

With payouts every Friday provided the $300 payment threshold is met. The $300 payment threshold can be achieved with any combination of Cliqly affiliate earnings, CPA earnings, and Cliqly 10c click earnings.

Below is a screen grab of my Conversion House Media Account commissions page.

It shows I’ve been paid just over $800 in affiliate commissions. Which is a small percentage of my total Cliqly earnings ($6729.65).

Cliqly Affiliate Program Highlights

The screen grab below shows the Conversion House Media page that explains the program and gives people their own unique referral / affiliate link.

EVERYBODY thinking of promoting Cliqly should watch the video to understand the program.

The highlights for me…

  • 100% of the $97 upgrade fee. Everybody who wants to continue as a paid Cliqly member has to buy this.
  • 5% of your referrals ongoing credit purchases. 
  • Fast payments (every Friday)

Update: Just to highlight that the recurring 5% element of the referral program is starting to work for me…

And not forgetting …Cliqly actually WORKS!  Meaning you can feel good about promoting 🙂

How Does Cliqly Help It’s Affiliates?

As well as providing a great service that people want once they’ve seen it work for themselves, and paying promptly, Cliqly also provide details of all your referrals, so you can better help them, if you choose to…

This is all contained within your Conversion House Media site / account.

I’ve hidden peoples personal details, but you can see how this works…

The ‘View Details’ tab on the right opens a new window with all the details of your referral emailing activity…

The idea being, you can see what they’re doing and potentially help them.

The biggest mistake I see, is that people are not always consistent with their mailing.

Ideally people should build a daily habit of mailing, dependent on their own goals.

But What If You Don’t Know How To Promote As An Affiliate?

The Cliqly Guaranteed Advertising CO-OP

The details of which can be found within your Conversion House Media Account of the ‘Your Cliqly Referral Commission Link’ page.

But in a nutshell Bobby lets its members buy advertising shares. The reason you might want to do this is that Bobby / Cliqly knows how to advertise – why not simply piggy-back off this set up.

Each monthly share costs $197 and GUARANTEES a minimum of 20 free trial referrals. Buying a share also earns people a free bonus of 250,000 Cliqly List Building Credits.

My experience of the CO-OP is not entirely relevant, but I’ll share it so you can decide. I was a CO-OP member for a few months, but during the period when the free trial was first introduced. I did not get any conversions and felt that my money was better invested into other Cliqly Credit Packages.

I also felt confident that I could promote Cliqly myself, which is what I’m doing.

However if the CO-OP is of interest I do believe it’s better than when I tested it, and would suggest people ‘TEST’ it for themselves.

If you’re interested in how I promote Cliqly, here’s a quick summary (I’ll fill this out in more detail later).

My main strategy is via this Cliqly Case Study , which attracts free visitors from Search Engines such as Google.

A percentage of people that see the content, click through my Cliqly Affiliate Link and sign up for the free trial, and a percentage of those decide to upgrade, earning me Cliqly Affiliate Commissions 🙂

I’m also testing an idea, where I export my Cliqly list to another email service I use (GetResponse), where I again show people my Cliqly Case Study. 

Update: Here’s a post showing how I promote the Cliqly Free Trial to my Cliqly Openers >>


I believe that once people have learned how to successfully build their Cliqly Email Business, adding an Cliqly Affiliate income stream makes perfect sense.

Any questions? please fire away in the comments below…

To PROFIT from Cliqly you must know your numbers – Grab Abby’s Spreadsheet / Calculator at the bottom of this page.

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My Cliqly Affiliate Experience >>

Starting Out – A Simple Cliqly Profit Strategy >>

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Exporting Your Cliqly Openers List to Another Email Service

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