Cliqly August List Building Challenge

$50,000August List BuildingChallenge

Bobby is looking to add a little spice to what is traditionally a slow period in email marketing due to the holidays.

As well as being fun, and fair for everybody, It’s main aim is to get people ready for what follows the holiday period …September to Christmas then Jan to March is the BEST period for email marketing.

In Cliqly the bigger your list the more mail you can send, the more mail you send, the more money you make.

So build through growth through August and harvest bigger profits through September onward.


This is truly a level playing field. 

  • Everybody has a maximum of 500,000 list building emails per day
  • Everybody is working from the same IP’s

Bobby is also going to run additional short term challenges so that people that join Cliqly in August can participate.

And the prizes…

Over $50,000 in cash and Amazon gift cards, so people from any country can participate.

And to go with the August List Building Challenge, Bobby has introduced a new Cliqly List Building Credit Package. 3 Million credits doubled to 6 Million, use  the 40% off Coupon, and get 1 Million Cliqly Pro Credits Free.

If I plug this package into my Cliqly Calculator here’s how it looks…

This brings the cost of sending 10,000 Cliqly List Building emails down to $0.98

And using the 0.78% opener rate from my list building results last week…

Shows that if I wanted to run at the maximum 500,000 sends every day…

  • It would cost me $1465.50 (I’d have to buy just over 2 packages)
  • I’d add about 117,000 Openers / Subscribers to my list.
  • At a cost of $0.013 per Opener / Subscriber

This is just an example projection based on my previous results. 


My Approach

Personally, I wasn’t planning any aggressive list building until after the holiday period.

But I only require an additional 68179 openers to reach my next Tier (6).

I will run 2,000,000 Cliqly List Building emails per week (285714 per day) – 500,000 Tue 1st Aug, Wed, Thurs, Fri to start, then Mon through Thurs week 2 and on.

Based on previous results I should get pretty close to my 68k openers target.

Costings are based on purchasing the Flash Millions Credit Combo offer.

Bobby said there is going to be a leader board, so I’ll keep my progress updated.

August List Building Challenge week 1 results here >> I won a prize 🙂

To PROFIT from Cliqly you must know your numbers – Grab Abby’s Spreadsheet / Calculator at the bottom of this page.

Back to Cliqly Results

My Cliqly Affiliate Experience >>

Starting Out – A Simple Cliqly Profit Strategy >>

What To Do If Cliqly Pro Profits Drop >>

Exporting Your Cliqly Openers List to Another Email Service

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