Frank Kern – Hustle Vs Flow

Frank KernHustle V’s FlowThe Results Are In…

Loved this value post Frank posted on Facebook…

Frank Kern

Page Liked · 11 hrs ·  “HUSTLE” VS “FLOW” (test results)⁣⁣This one could be called “how I made a million dollars LESS than last year by working way harder.”⁣⁣So earlier this year I decided to test the “let’s see what happens when you work 24/7” deal.⁣⁣We’ll call that hustle.⁣⁣We’ll define it like this:⁣⁣1. You’re doing 1000 different things at once.⁣⁣2. You’re using “ready, fire, aim” style planning.⁣⁣3. You work a LOT.⁣⁣4. There’s a lot of “activity” or “motion”⁣⁣The idea is this will make you more money. And for some, I think it does.⁣⁣Then there’s what we’ll call “flow”⁣⁣This is where you really embrace the 80/20 rule.⁣⁣You throw the concept of “massive action” out the window and replace it with “massive action on minimal things”.⁣⁣You spend a lot of time planning.⁣⁣You do maybe ONE or TWO things but you do them exceptionally well.⁣⁣Every activity has a pre-determined objective.⁣⁣You spend less time working and more time planning.⁣⁣Much like a sniper. Hours or planning lead up to a split second when the trigger is pulled. Target acquired. Target down.⁣⁣So here are the results of my experiment:⁣⁣Bottom line? ⁣⁣“Hustle” made me less money.⁣⁣Less fun.⁣⁣More stress.⁣⁣Did I say less money?⁣⁣Less money.⁣⁣I attribute it to lack of FOCUS.⁣⁣It’s hard to aim straight when you’re sprinting.⁣⁣So …those are the test results.⁣⁣Instead of “hustle” try this:⁣⁣1. Determine a very specific objective (let’s say $XXX in revenue by Y date.)⁣⁣2. Look at all the assets you’ve got at your disposal to get you there.⁣⁣“Assets” can be defined by products, lists, sales process, funnels, etc.⁣⁣3. Run the numbers on those assets. How well does each funnel convert? What’s the net profit and average customer value per offer?⁣⁣And my all time favorite …over the last 12 months …what offer has made you the most money?⁣⁣4. Next you want to do a deep dive and get a clear picture of exactly what every piece of your business produces.⁣⁣5. With this knowledge – create a ONE STEP action plan to implement RIGHT NOW.⁣⁣6. The final step is review and repeat.⁣⁣If you look at these steps …it’s really just this:⁣⁣“Find out what’s working best an

Thanks Frank 🙂

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