Saturday 9th August 2014 – Social Media?
If you’ve been following the journal on this site, you’re aware that I’ve been following and implementing the Wealthy Affiliate training.
This site is focused on promoting the WA training and community service which means I’m following the Wealthy Affiliate Bootcamp Training.
I have also been reviewing the Online Entrepreneurship Certification Training because I want to note the differences and comment accurately on it.
So I’m into level 3 of the bootcamp. Which really raises the question of how to implement social media into your marketing?
I’m going to review all the training on this subject again, because for me right now I’m confused.
I also thought it might be helpful to explain why, and actually note down my decision making process.
Having gone through the training quickly, I’m left with a comment of Kyle’s that suggested if you don’t action social media correctly you’re pretty much wasting your time.
Wasting your time… mmmm.
The last thing I want to be doing right now is wasting precious time.
Quick Recap
I’m an only child; and when doing those job related psychometric tests always score as a ‘recorded’ communicator (means I like to hide in my cave and use written pre-formed communications).
Not sure what this has to do with this but please bear with me.
I don’t text (unless in emergencies).
I only have a Facebook account because I had to have one to create a business page.
I used Linkedin religiously when I was recruiting, but never to talk directly to people (I’d find their details and call them on the phone… old school!).
I look at my wife, daughter and all her friends and I’m convinced there’s something wrong with me…
It’s not just age, as my wife is unaffected.
My problem…
I spend 99% of my time NOT holding a mobile phone 🙁 .
I’m guessing 25% hold time is about normal, but it might be higher?
Am I anti-social?
I would have said no, but now I’m not sure.
I’m also not super serious…
I love talking bollocks. Just never seen the need to broadcast it (until now 😉 )
The recap was to help you understand my problem, I doubt I’m the only one that feels this way???
So should somebody with my condition (it’s going to attract a medical term one day) be encouraged to use social media?
Social Media Is Like An Afternoon Garden Party
Imagine one of those summer early afternoon parties (maybe BBQ), relaxed but polite (before alcohol takes affect).
There are all sorts of groups of people chatting happily, kids playing… all good.
I see the worlds social media as being like those different groups of people.
People talking about kids and cats (Facebook – great cause I’ve got both)
Men talking about sport (Facebook again or possibly a forum of some type – also good I like sports)
Group talking business (Linkedin and maybe Facebook)
Another cool group that I don’t understand (Twitter)
If I knew more about social media I could go on…
I’ve just joined the party… what do I do?
I have a business that I’d like to promote… do I?
My take on social media is that the last thing I do is mention my business (seriously UNCOOL).
Unless maybe someone asks me directly. And then I need to have practiced a compelling yet non pushy answer.
So I think the strategy is to have a great time at the party, talking about kids, cats, sports and even business (carefully).
Be myself and maybe make some new friends / acquaintances (depending on your definitions).
All goes well some of those new friends decide to check out my profile, and either follow the links to my business or ask me about it…
My opportunity to be helpful and cool.
I think that’s social media done the cool non spammy way?
My concern is how much time needs to be invested talking about kids, cats and sports?
Also surely by asking myself the above question I reveal that my motives for talking to people are not really authentic (does this sound harsh?).
Or should I just grow a pair, put it down to just being ‘marketing’ and roll out the cat video’s?
I’ll leave this question hanging for another day…
If you’ve read this far you really do deserve the pleasure of a cute cat video… enjoy…
Please ask any questions, comments about kids, cats and sports also welcome.
To write this post under the speed writing training approach
To review the social media training and make a decision…
Wrote about 700 words in 40 minutes, spent another 30 minutes finding images.
Spent a lovely day in Windsor with the family… will post photo but guess what?
I didn’t take my mobile!, so my daughter Rebecca will send it to me.
Time Taken
70 minutes total