Bulletproof System Review


Heals 3 Step Marketing SystemThat Promises GREAT RESULTS…

Heals Bulletproof System for marketing has finally got me off the fence.

For me this addresses the ONE thing I felt was missing from Heal’s product portfolio…

A straightforward step by step system for marketing whatever you want…


Bulletproof is video and pdf delivered training showing people the 3 steps needed for success…

Mindset, Traffic and Conversion.

At $9.97 one-time this is fantastic value. An example of how to win loyal long-term customers through over delivery of VALUE.

It’s ideal for anyone looking to learn how to market any product successfully.

Ownership of other Heal products is not required. This product can stand alone and yes, there is a full 30 day money back guarantee.

So Stephen asked members to tell him what they thought of the Bulletproof training and if they had a ‘bulletpoof’ moment

I had to share this from Stephanie…

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#BulletproofmomentIt has taken me years to figure our what they put together for us in one click !! THANK YOU HEAL TRIBE AND MR Stephen Munson!!

Posted by Stephanie Sue Carroll on Wednesday, 4 March 2020


Stephen Munson shot this first training video in a blizzard in Aspen Colorado...

Talk about grabbing attention from the get go.

Stephen filmed his first mindset video in a blizzard on the slopes of Aspen.

The point being your mind and thoughts within it may resemble a blizzard. Which somehow you need to find a path through…

That path starting with your WHY.

This training introduces 3 steps to building a winning mindset…

  1. Your WHY, the cause behind what you do. Get this wrong and you won’t have the mental power to push through the challenges that WILL come your way.
  2. Learn how to get in STATE. Straight from Tony Robbins, people must operate from a state of confidence. This can be created if you know how…
  3. CONSISTENTLY feed your mind. The types of content you should consume to improve your performance.


Stephen explains that before getting people to see your marketing messages (traffic) you must understand 4 elements.

  1. Know who you are trying to attract. Go through these exercises to laser target your ads and content to attract your ideal visitor.
  2. How to create messaging sequences to gain attention, build interest, develop desire and motivate your audience to take ACTION.
  3. How to capture leads – the email addresses of people interested in your topic.
  4. How to follow-up effectively with your leads. The money is in the list is the saying that is still correct. Though email marketing has it’s challenges it’s still by far the most profitable medium for engaging your prospects and customers.

Bulletproof Organic Traffic

Stephen explains that though growing organic traffic slowly over time through publishing great content isn’t the fastest way to build your business it is worth doing.

This training promotes developing the skill of storytelling through your content, both to build your brand, but also gain traffic from social networks and search engines.

Stephen is quite the master at storytelling and leveraging the stories features on all the major social media platforms.

Bulletproof Paid Traffic

Here’s what I like about this training…

Stephen suggests they’re are 3 levels to mastering paid traffic

  1. Become an Affiliate and let the company do all the heavy lifting.
  2. Become a paid student and work with a mentor to copy their approach, which will involve building your own list of prospects and following up with them.
  3. The paid teacher. Once you have mastered this you become the teacher.

Personally, my breakthrough came when I realized the power of promoting the right companies…

I call them ‘ultimate’ affiliate programs because they do the marketing heavy lifting by

Working. Getting people the promised result and developing loyal lifetime customers.

Offering lifetime affiliate commissions to their affiliates. And when you combine this with a company that can generate loyal long term customers, affiliates can build monthly recurring income streams. This is huge.

Do all the follow up marketing to the people affiliate introduce. This is the marketing heavy lifting which powers the affiliates potential for lifetime affiliate commissions and free’s affiliate to concentrate on the only thing needed to make their business work…

Introducing people to the company. Traffic.

I only promote companies that do all the above because it works for everybody, win win win.

From here the training takes you through various paid traffic methods. But because you’ve done the work to build your brand, and messaging around attracting your target visitor your advertising is set up properly.

Leading to the best chance of…



Detailed explanation of the types of conversion that occurs in a sales process.

So that you’ll be able to marry the right type of messaging dependant on where people are in the sales process.

Learn about the 5 stages in a buying cycle and how to target your messaging accordingly.

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