Cliqly – Weekly Ending 4th JuneDid I Reach Tier 5?
At the start of the week I was Tier 4 in Cliqly Pro, meaning I could send a max of 200,000 emails per day.
Tier 5 allows for 250000 daily sends in Cliqly Pro (more mail sent, more opens, more clicks, higher earnings)
So last week I decided to accelerate my list building…
But I fell a few thousand openers (new subscribers) short.
My plan for this week was to reach Tier 5 through one more days 500,000 list building push, and as always send the maximum in Cliqly Pro.
Here’s what happened…
Sent my 500k list building on the 31st May getting 4540 openers (new subs) – reaching Tier 5 🙂
What was the cost per opener?
I purchased the Max Combo offer a couple of weeks back for $877 less 40% coupon code = $526.20
This got me 4 Million Cliqly List Building credits and 5 Million Cliqly Pro.
Dividing the $526.20 by 4 Million gives me the cost per sending one list building email = 0.00013155 which if I multiply by 500,000 gives me $65.77 my cost to send for one day (500k list building emails – right?)
Divide 65.77 by 4540 (my openers) gives me a cost per opener of ….0.014 under 2c per opener!
From these openers I had 74 Clickers…
Earning me $7.4
From mailing in Cliqly Pro over the week I earned…
146,791 total openers 3210 short of Tier 5 (1 more max list building send)
NOTE: Based on using my costing from buying the New Millions Combo credit package with a 40% off coupon (now MEMORIAL) and getting the free 1 Million Cliqly Pro Credits…
Basically, 4 Million Cliqly List Building, and 5 Million Cliqly Pro credits for $526.20
So if I divide $526.20 by 4 Million (list building credits) I get 0.0001315 cost per individual list building email send multiply by 10,000 to get $1.32 (rounded up) cost per 10k list building send.
Because I’ve counted all costs against list building it means I have 5 Million Cliqly Pro emails at zero cost.
5 Million Cliqly Pro credits as a Tier 5 will last me 20 days sending the max 250k per day.
So this week I sent 500,000 Cliqly list building emails all on Wednesday which cost me $65.77.
I earned $199.50 and spent $65.77
Weekly Profit  = $133.73Which meant I hit the $300 payment threshold on Sunday…
Know Your Numbers
- Cliqly Pro average earnings per 10,000 emails sent last 7 days ($199.5 – $7.40 = $192.1 / 160 ) Â = $1.20
- Cliqly List Building average earnings per 10,000 emails sent last 7 days (£7.4 / 500) = $0.148
What’s Next?
Drop Cliqly List Building back down to 100,000 for the week.
Max out Cliqly Pro at 250,000 per day, because mailing in Cliqly Pro is the most profitable.
Here’s my forecast earning based on this weeks numbers…
Forecast revenue next week is $210 and my cost will be $13.20 (100,000 Cliqly List building)
Forecast profit = $196.80
To PROFIT from Cliqly you must know your numbers
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